Thursday, January 24, 2008

Coming Back To The Door

Recently, forgive me – I can’t recall the exact source—I read how someone described creative inspiration as an impatient child who comes knocking at a door in your mind. But a problem is if—as a writer—that kid will hang around for only so long, and if ignored will simply leave.

That’s my problem right now.

I have three quality story concepts for graphic novels at a door in my head now, and they are waiting for me to answer. The only problem is my motivation level for writing anything more complicated than a blog entry right now is very low, which frankly, is a selfish excuse.

If stories are a writer’s offspring, then mine must be ready to drop a dime to DCFS on me, because they are huddled in a corner snarfing Cheerios and soaked in their own urine waiting for me to tend to them.

It’s time to get started. The only problem is that I’m not sure how to spark the process again.

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