Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crazy Bitches, Part II

Just saw an interview on Hardball of Chris Mathews interviewing Diane Mantouvalos of Just Say No Deal, one of several pro-Hillary blogs (all pleading for donations) venting their alleged fury at Barack Obama for their candidate having lost the Democratic primary, claiming fraud, sexism, and general chicanery (AKA: state caucuses) is to blame

The crux of Mathews’ interview addressed a poll out today reporting that 11% of ex-Hillary backers will attempt to torpedo Obama by voting for McCain or no one, with some desperately holding onto the crazed belief that at the DNC Convention Hillary will stage a miraculous comeback during roll call, seizing super-delegates, and sending Obama home to Chicago in disgrace.

Yet my opinion is these would-be Dems will either not show up on Election Day, or their “outrage” (which frankly, amounts to reverse sexism) won’t amount to a blip in the battleground states where this election will be won or lost. Plus, I have a hard time believing that this army of 18 million—we are told—Hillary zealots will make any impact on this election when their goddess is still swimming in primary debt, and at their recent national conference only 60 people showed up.

Anyhow, Dahlia Lithwick over on Slate posted an interesting—if overly cerebral-- article questioning the motives of the pro-Hillary cadre, and whether in their furor for voice they are simply reinforcing age-old stereotypes of women as, well, crazy bitches.

Guess what? She's right.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your entry here. I was searching for Diane Mantouvalos on google and somehow came to your site. Cool. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I saw Diane Mantouvalos on MSNBC also. Like the PUMA who also manage to get interviewed on FOX and MSNBC she seems slick, polished, youngish and very comfortable being in front of a camera. I googled her and few entries for someone with that name who is also from MA and now loves in Florida works for a PR firm. With the main PUMA, Darragh Murphy, having been exposed recently as Republican plant I wonder if Diane is fellowup.

Christopher Hugh Varney (CHV) said...

I'm not sure where Diane is coming from emotionally. She seemed relaxed during the interview with CM, and not the foaming-at-the-mouth lunatic Darragh Murphy is.

Either way, both women are desperately pulling for a horse that lost the big race months ago.

I find both of them to be pretty sad.