Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The View Ain't No Different

Like Bilbo Baggins, I'm beginning to stack up the years of my life rather speedily now.

Today, it's Number 39 - which evokes an old memory of my mom (at the same age in 1980) getting a set of personalized stationary with the post-script "39 Forever" printed in the lower-right corner of each page.

But I do feel older, say, more decrepit as I teeter on the edge of 40?

Other than a slight discomfort from an old knee injury that pops up every so often, not really.

In fact, the only real difference I feel today compared to 20 birthdays ago is a sense of experience, and (I hope) being less likely to make dumb mistakes. Otherwise, I feel okay, own a nice house, have a decent job and salary, my friends and family are safe and healthy, and I have a few creative projects warming in the bullpen.

So all things all things considered, the view at 39 may not be so different from yesterday, but it's pretty good all the same.

My gal pal (and freshly minted New Yorker) Sarah Grace today
demanded I have a birthday cupcake – so here it is in virtual form.
Yummers, I say. Yummers.

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