Monday, November 16, 2009

Word of The Day

(Vis-à-vis Pandagon):

Saddlebacking – (v.) 1. The term for the phenomenon of Christian teens engaging in unprotected anal sex in order to preserve their virginities. Named after Saddleback Church, home of the Reverend Rick Warren, who is a proponent of abstinence education, the "sex ed" that has convinced so many Christian girls and boys that [anal] isn't actually sex.


Kate said...

Wow, really? This church really believes and promotes that? Or were you just kidding? Just wondering...

Christopher Hugh Varney (CHV) said...

The church in question does not promote this behavior, but I do believe that some X-tian teens out there (in turn) believe that "saddlebacking" is not actual sex, just as some believe that oral sex is not actual sex.