Sunday, November 18, 2007

"Imagine, If You Will, a Load of Horseshit"

Wish as I might, I cannot take credit for this title line.

It was, in fact, written as the first sentence by John Scalzi regarding his impressions of The Creation Museum on a recent visit. And believe you me, "horseshit" is a metaphor Mr. Scalzi uses early and often to describe his feelings on the museum’s content which uses a literal reading of Genesis to explain the dawn of humanity, and revise modern science.

How the hell can some people believe this stuff, you ask (e.g. the human race fashioned by God from mud, magic, and the jawbone of an ass) – well, how the hell can some 21st century Italians still cling to Medieval superstitions of black cats being bad luck, and kill them in an effort to purge the “evil” mojo?

Creation Museum docents Fred and Barney explain to visitors how prior to
Adam and Eve's fall from grace, T-Rex was a vegetarian! Wheeee!

(Truthfully, there is an informational placard at the museum
which says just this - which begs the question that if all God's
critters were once exclusively vegetarian, does that include sharks?
If so, where did they get their roughage before the Fall? Salads
and the occasional honeydew melon? If so, why the serrated teeth,
as herbivores have only flat teeth for grinding plant matter? Did God
give sharks a mouth full of steak knives in advance because He
knew Adam would screw up eventually? Or did those choppers only show
up after said screw up, and over time? Say, isn't there a term for that process?
Wait, don't tell me...e...e..evo-something. Oh well, it'll come to me later.
Thanks to Ed Brayton for the J. Scalzi tip.)

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